Hair Transplant Delhi & Mumbai - FUE & FUT Techniques

Hair Transplant is the best and the proven way to deal with Baldness Problem. Baldness is spreading wings like an Epidemic and the Youth of the Country is the first target of this evil. Every third person is dealing with Hair Fall Issues and within a span of time this minor Hair Fall turns into complete Baldness Problems.In the midst of this prevailing evil Hair Transplant Surgery emerges as a boon for the patients.
Hair Transplant is a Surgical Procedure that involves the dislocation of Grafts from Receipent Region to the Balding Region of the Scalp. Grafts usually comprised of 2–3 hais strands and plays the key role in Hair Transplant Surgery.
WIth the increasing Trends in Digitization and widespread use of technologies. Hair Transplant Surgery has evolved a lot from time to time.
Advanced FUE & FUT Techniques are the most used techniques for Hair Transplant Surgery.Lets’ have a look on these Surgery in detail.
FUT ( Follicular Unit Transplant): Under this techniques a part of the scalp from the patient’s scalp is removed and the grafts are extracted individually from the tissue. FUT technique is considered as safe but there may be cases of linear scars on the patient’s scalp.
FUE(Follicular Unit Extraction) : As the name suggest FUE Technique stands for removing the Grafts individually from the patients’s scalp and transplanted to the receipent region of the head. FUE Technique is the safest method of Hair Transplant Surgery, leaves No Scars, No Incisions, No Stitches, No Marks.
Indian Cities and Doctors have managed quite well to adapt these changes in the field of Hair Transplant Surgery and are already equipped with latest Hair Transplant Techniques and are already been serving the patients with these advanced techniques. But HairTransplant in Delhi and Hair Transplant in Mumbai is always on the hike due to technologically advancement and other factors.


  1. Nice information. Hair transplant surgery is one of the best way to solve hair loss problem. This treatment provide the natural treatment. For further details about hair treatment then you can visit Fue hair transplant in Delhi .

  2. Very Nice blog and Informative content, thanks for sharing. Hair transplant is highly in demand, most of the actors prefer it to improve their looks. In hair transplant, doctor extract hairs from the donor area of the body and implants them in the required area. Get hair transplant in Chandigarh by expert doctors.

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  6. Nice post.
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